August 1, 2010

New website almost ready to launch!!

Posted by Crystal's Blog

I have been working really hard to get my website launched. I wanted to have it up and running by today, but it doesn't look like that will be happening. I am just making a few changes and getting approvals on a few things before I can have it ready to use. It's not ideal because I am using a free hosting site, but I wanted to start off with something like this to see if it would be beneficial to my business to have an actual website instead of just the blog and Facebook. Once I have it up and running I'd love to hear your feedback and if there is anything that you'd like to see added to the site.

I am currently offering 15% OFF your order of Christmas cards if you place your order with me before August 15. I know it's a little early for Christmas cards, but I am hoping to get a few orders in before the baby comes so that it won't be quite so busy right before Christmas. I am expecting a baby in mid September and I'm hoping to take a bit of time off from design just after the baby is born, but I will be back to designing hopefully in October in order to leave plenty of time for any requests that come in.

Check back soon for the launch of the new website and new services that I'm adding for the Holiday Season! You won't want to miss out.


Amanda said...

I really want to place an order with you, so I'm hoping to get some pictures taken soon so that we can get some cards made. Your work is gorgeous!