July 17, 2010

Win this AMAZING high chair!!

Posted by Crystal's Blog

I don't usually blog about other giveaways on here, but since I know there are a lot of moms that are fans of my work and follow my blog I thought I really needed to share this amazing giveaway.

One Savvy Mom is giving away a Joovy Nook High Chair!! If you have never heard of Joovy you should check out their products because they really know what parents are looking for in a product. I love it that the Joovy Nook High Chair folds down to save space when in storage and that the table swings out instead of pulling it forward to come completely off. I have had the problem many times where I only have one hand and the table falls to the ground once again.

Click on this link: http://savvycouponmommy.blogspot.com/2010/06/joovy-nook-high-chair-review-giveaway.html to go directly to the giveaway or click on her button located on the right side of this page. There are many ways to enter, but hurry because the giveaway ends on July 21 at 12 pm PST (which I think is 2 pm our time). Good luck!!

If you go to her blog there are TONS more giveaways that get posted on a daily basis so keep checking back on her blog. You can win some really great things over there!!